Every disease is an imbalance, and we work on correcting that imbalance to repair, prevent, improve functioning and enhance health.This is not a quick fix or selling a magic pill, we are instead focused on helping our clients harness the power of the human body to repair itself using lifestyle.

Detox is a process by which we help the body flush out AMA or toxins using herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables.

Everyone’s requirement of protein, carbohydrates,vitamins and minerals are different and varies with age, genetics, physical condition and activity. Balcing nutrients as per individual requirement.

Boosting and building the metabolism is the key to good health. Reducing catabolism( cell breakdown) and increasing Anabolism( building new cells) can help you reverse lifestyle conditions,balance hormones,improve productivity, energy and vitality.

Sustainable eating is not about eating less but eating right. Once the art of eating right is learnt it becomes your lifestyle.
Achieve your health goals that are sustainable with customized health care plans created by our integrative team of healthcare professionals, with a focus on addressing the root cause to prevent and manage a variety of diseases and lifestyle conditions.
The key benefits of the Wellness program
This program is designed to instill a deeper sense of well-being and health. The key
benefits of this particular program are:
• Personal attention: Benefit from a holistic and an integrative approach.
• Four-pronged approach Focus on the four pillars to health: Balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, quality sleep, and emotional well-being.
• Addressing the root cause and not suppressing symptoms: Identify and address the condition right from its root and not just symptomatically.
• Consistent reporting and updates: Review progress and discuss challenges week on week.
• Effort to create a new attitude and sense of self: Improve your quality of life and sense of wellbeing.
• Inculcating new habits and a healthy lifestyle: Learn ways to mindfully manage your lifestyle in spite of your routine and busy schedule.
Price and package options for the Wellness program
We offer four packages for the benefit of our clients. All packages include all key
benefits and features listed below
• Customized food plans are created taking into consideration your work timings, travel plans, availability of ingredients, allergies, and so on.
• Regular detox plans are shared as required to help support your body’s repair mechanisms, thus steering you in the direction of good health.
• Your coaching revolves around the four pillars of health: quality sleep, balanced nutrition, emotional detox, and adequate exercise.
• Once your programs ends, a one-time maintenance guideline document created and is shared with you, which will help you continue on your journey to good health. Please note that this is an online program and is open to participation from anyone globally.
• WhatsApp chat support is available from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
• Different time zones other than Indian Standard Time will be handled accordingly.
Note- Payment once made cannot be refunded if you discontinue the program for personal reasons or for non-compliance.