Quick Fixes for you sleeping troubles!

If you’re having trouble sleeping, but don’t want to poison your body with harmful sleeping pills, there are a number of natural sleep aids you could try instead. Read on to learn more about the best natural sleep aids that could have you sleeping like a baby again in no time at all!

Why Can’t I Sleep?

Take a look at your daily routine and you may discover what’s causing your sleeping issues. Are you under a lot of pressure or stress? Have you changed your diet or used a new medication? These factors may be affecting your sleep pattern and may be the cause of your insomnia.

Here are three quick changes you can make that may help you get a better night’s sleep:

  1. Avoid eating too close to bedtime. Your body needs ample time to digest your food before you sleep. The best time to eat your dinner is about 4 hours before your bedtime.
  2. Avoid caffeine. Tea, coffee, and most sodas are full of caffeine, so avoid these drinks after lunch.
  3. Avoid television and video games before bed. These are far too stimulating and you’ll find it much harder to fall to sleep afterwards.

Natural and Organic Sleep Aids

Here are some of the best organic sleep aids available:

  • Adding a drop of lavender oil to your pillow will help you fall asleep faster and sleep for a longer time. Lavender oil also works well in the bath. Taking a long soak in the tub with the essential oil will help you fully relax before bed.
  • Chamomile, which you can drink as a tea, has an amazing calming effect and promotes better sleep.
  • Chinese medicines & acupuncture can both help you get a better night’s sleep. Speak to your local Chinese herbalist, naturopath, or acupuncturist to tailor a treatment plan to suit your needs.

Create a Relaxing Environment

 Your place of sleep is very important. You may need to transform your room into a more relaxing environment to help you sleep.

  • Keep your room uncluttered with minimal distractions. Don’t watch TV or work in your bedroom. Instead, assign another room in your house for these activities.
  • If you have a ticking clock or an alarm with a light up display, get rid of it. Rid your bedroom of as many electrical items as possible or switch them off.
  • Set your thermostat for a comfortable temperature that’s conducive for sleep, and wear comfortable, loose fitting bedclothes.
  • It’s best to sleep in a quiet, dark room, but this isn’t always easy to achieve. If light and noise are an issue, a quick fix is to sleep with earplugs and a sleeping mask.

Mind, Body and Spirit

It can be difficult to properly wind down from a busy, stressful day. Fortunately, there are three quick relaxation techniques that can help you transition into a more relaxed state and prepare you for sleep.

  1. You can practice this in bed before you sleep and it will help you drift off. You’ll be able to forget about your day and allow your mind to fully unwind.
  2. There are number of gentle yoga styles that focus on light stretching and breathing techniques. These only take 10-15 minutes and can be done just before bed.
  3. Relaxation CDs. You can also listen to relaxation CDs to help you get to sleep. These range from soothing music tracks to the sounds of ocean waves. These sounds have a particularly relaxing effect and will also help you sleep more soundly.

A good night’s sleep helps to keep you healthy by giving your mind and body time to replenish. Follow these strategies to help you sleep well and wake up each morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead!