How to Stay Healthy in the Lockdown!!

With only essentials available this is probably the best time to focus on health and healthy routine.Here are some ways you can stay healthy this lockdown and focus on yourself in the time of crisis.

1. Water the essence of life can help you flushing out toxins,boosts digestion, improves absorption, builds metabolism and builds immunity.

2. Sleep atleast 6-7 hours can help you build immunity. When we sleep the body heals better and repair happens well. What best than now to sleep on time and wake up on time. Treat this as a way to set a good routine.

3.Eat on time. Eating at the same time everyday will improve your metabolism and the storing of fat will reduce.For all those years when eating on time was your biggest challenge, you have the freedom to do that now.

4. Exercise- Not able to go out and workout not to worry. Follow a simple home workout routine. Try varied types of workout like HIIT, Tabata, Yoga, Pilates, Body weight, spot walking, Aerobics etc. and ofcourse if you have kids play with them what best than running around an energetic kid 🙂

5. Eat simple meals like Poha, upma, daliya khichdi, ragi dosa etc which can be made with non perishable items.

6. Lunch and dinner can be kept simple with dal/rasam/ sambhar, rice/roti, make chutneys out of different dals, and curds and home made pickles

7. Eat an early dinner give a gap of 3 hrs better dinner and sleep. Drink atleast 3 glasses of buttermilk a day to keep your probiotics high which aid in a healthy digestion

8. Nuts, seeds, murmura etc are the best snacks. However avoid binging as you work instead drink lemon water, kokum juice or sattu juice.

9. Take virgin coconut oil 1 tbsp to improve immunity. Turmeric, ginger, garlic as a part of your cooking everyday.

10. Last but not the least meditate and do pranayama for atleast 30 mins everyday.

Making use of the lockdown to get to a routine and reset your life. Stay home Stay Safe and Stay healthy.