Tag: how to deal with stress?

  • The POMODORO technique of Stress Management

    Healthy Compartmentalization and the Pomodoro Technique Often when we hear the word ‘compartmentalization’ it is used in a cautionary capacity. That is to say that we’re generally led to believe that compartmentalizing is bad and that we shouldn’t repress any of our feelings. But just as ‘guns’ aren’t evil so…

  • How to Combat Bad Emotions with Mindfullness

    How to Combat Bad Emotions With Mindfulness Mindfulness is a type of meditation that has been practiced for centuries but has recently seen a resurgence in popularity owing to cognitive behavioral therapy and modern psychotherapeutic approaches. The basic idea is that you’re using meditative practices to become more aware of…

  • Why Diet alone is not Enough?

    Do you ever think about the fact that, if you ate differently, you might be better able to handle the stress in your life? Do you ever wonder how stress might affect what you eat? No matter which way you look at it, stress and food are related. There are…