What Do We Do In Our Program?

We make you experience and tap into your body’s magical healing powers. We make you heal through the power of using Food as your medicine. We bring your body back into its natural state of being well, and not sick.

How we do it?

If you understand how the body works at a cellular, biological and Nervous level, and what nutrients it needs to perform different functions in the body, it becomes really easy to restore the functionality of all the body systems like nervous system, digestive system, detoxification system, respiratory system, metabolic system etc.

1. We help you identify foods that heal you, and those that are causing your diseases! One person’s food can be another person’s poison. Different foods create inflammation in different people. What one person can heal on, can cause sickness in someone else. It is all about understanding how the food is working for a particular individual.However food intolerances can also be healed by healing the nervous system and changing the neural pathways of response using neuroplasticity.

2. We help you restore your digestion and absorption power, so that all the good food that you eat, gets fully broken down and absorbed by your body and does its magic! Even the best diet in the world can fail, if your body is unable to digest it! Food turns into toxic waste and causes acidity, burping, gas, etc if it’s not getting digested, and these symptoms cause sickness.

3. We help you identify and clear infections in your gut that might be causing your immune system to create a lot of inflammation and disease. Infections like H. Pylori cause severe acidity and gastritis, Candida causes skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, a lot of sugar cravings, and autoimmune conditions. Parasites can cause bloody diarrhea, anal itching, loss of sleep, malnourishment and more. Different people have different overgrowths in their gut, which are a huge contributing factor to their symptoms!

GUT HEALTH IS EVERYTHING when it comes to solving complex cases of thyroid, hormonal imbalances, asthma and breathing issues, brain fog, lack of concentration, depression and anxiety, acidity and indigestion, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, migraines, chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pains, sinus issues, hair loss, and everything chronic that you can think of.

If you want to learn more and get educated on how gut health is linked to everything, follow 

What do we use for healing?


We don’t need chemicals and drugs in our body to heal. We need things that our body recognizes and absorbs. Things that our immune system doesn’t try to fight. Things that are healing for the body, and not damaging!

What kinds of diets do we endorse?

We DO NOT endorse any fad or short-term diets like Vegan, Keto, Atkins, Low fodmap, low carb, GM diet, this diet, or that diet! 😊

We DO NOT endorse elimination of everything you like to eat!

We DO NOT endorse going on juice fasts, various concoctions, salads, and soups and damage your relationship with food.

We endorse things that our sustainable, foods that you have grown up eating, things that you already cook at home. Healing is totally possible through everyday food that we eat and cook, in most Indian homes!

Food is JOY! Let’s just ensure we digest it all well so that it doesn’t start taking away our joy!

What do we believe in?

No disease or ailment just happens on its own. Our body is designed to be a perfect machine!

If you are unwell or suffering from chronic ailments, consider factors like Digestive Imbalances, Nutritional Deficiencies, Hormonal Imbalances, High or Low Immune Levels, Internal Inflammation, Environmental Toxins, Stress, and Metabolic Dysfunctions to be the reason. These separately or clubbed together, could be leading you to your current state of health.

The good news is, that most health conditions can be put into remission, by focusing on the systemic healing of the body from within. We use personalized meal plans, Nervous system regulation techniques, coaching on making the right and sustainable lifestyle changes, and recommend use of targeted supplements wherever needed (to fix the existing deficiencies, clear infections, etc) and help you create a body you can thrive in! 

Don’t just Survive!!.


That’s our goal for you!

Who can work with us?

Everyone Willing to Put in the effort and commitment to Change their health!!

Medical conditions we support

  • All gut-related diseases like Acidity, GERD, Esophagitis, Barett’s, unknown pains in the abdomen, nausea, excessive vomiting after eating food, Crohn’s, Colitis, Inflammation in the colon, ulcers, excessive gas, leaky gut, chronic IBS (constipation and diarrhea), piles, hemorrhoids, bloating, lot of burping, and more
  • Symptoms like low energy, fatigue, numbness in hands and feet, cold hands and feet, anemia, varicose veins, poor sleep, not being able to fall asleep, hair fall, body and joint pains, unexplained weight gain, unexplained weight loss, and more
  • Chronic Headaches and Migraines
  • Brain-related issues like brain fog, short-term memory loss, Anxiety, Depression, anger issues, irritability, low moods, negative thoughts and more
  • Metabolic dysfunctions like Insulin resistance, Pre-diabetes, Diabetes, high cholesterol, high uric acid, high blood pressure, fatty liver, and more
  • Thyroid-related disorders – Hypo and Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Graves
  • Hormonal issues like heavy bleeding during periods, painful periods, endometriosis, difficult PMS phase, no periods, missing periods, irregular period cycles, PCOD, fibroids, cysts, perimenopause, menopause issues, and more

Ready to Transform Your Health?