Nutritionem Captiosus

“And, When you want something, ALL THE UNIVERSE Conspires in helping you to achieve it!” by Paulo Coelho is one of my all time favourite quotes that played an important role in shaping me as a person.

After a lot of thought on should I or shouldn’t I, I decided to write. I always wanted to be related to science. As an only child of my parents I have always had the freedom to do what I love to do unlike many who don’t get an opportunity to pursue their passion. However, until and unless you are successful pursuing your passion,it is understood by the people around you and if you’re not successful your passion is seen as stupidity. I am in a position where people see my passion for science as not being realistic. I don’t really blame anyone for what they feel about it as everybody has their own perceptions in life. This definitely is not about how everyone doesn’t understand me but about how I have a different vision in life.

I have always been very cautious about what I eat and how much I eat and after all that I still bloated up to a whooping 72kgs post delivery of my second child. That was a cause of concern and also depressed me immensely. In the quest of trying to lose my extra kilos little did I know what was in store for me. With hours and hours of reasearch on various diets and failed attempts to lose weight I lost hope too. One fine morning, I got an email from a career coach who changed my life upside down. After my very first session I knew what was the missing link in pursuing my passion. 6 months later, I have lost a good amount of weight as well as decided to start on my own as a health coach and a holistic nutritionist. My journey starts here with my first blog, which sums up what, why and how I reinvented ME.

Nutritionem Captiosus means Smart Nutrition in latin. Here I would love to share how to get back to shape not just bodywise but also mindwise for women like me and also make lifestyle changes. I truly believe that if the woman in the family are nutrition smart the entire family can stay healthy.

Stay Healthy! Stay Smart!


4 responses to “Nutritionem Captiosus”

  1. Shubha avatar

    Yup, go ahead and pursue your passion.
    Nutrition is very import aspect of life. I have always argued about our South Indian cooking life style for this generation of software people who has to sit in front of computer hours together and having hard time to digest what they have consumed😔 and women spending hours together in kitchen. I have learned to come out of such a shell. I wish you all the best capturing all of it. Happy blogging !!!

    1. anithanarayanamurthy avatar

      Hey Shubha thank you for the feedback.. However I would contradict on what you say about Sounth Indian food and Indian food in general. Ages back in ayurveda it was mentioned that we are all born with a food type that suits us and what today we know as the blood type diet.The latest research in nutrition is called nutrigenomics which focues on what our genes say about our diet and why its important to not give up our indigenous food. The spices used in our cooking has been found to have excellent nutritive and healing value. The portion size we eat is where the issue lies and not in our way of cooking or the cuisine. I will definitely write on this to highlight how good the Indian diet is and the myths and facts.

  2. Shubha avatar

    I am not against Indian food at all. Yes I agree with you , quantity is the culprit. I would like eat all Indian spices. But there is always a myth about complete meal. For example people still think without rice a meal is incomplete , I would completely disagree with that. Those days people use work in farms or there use to be some sort of physical work which required lot of carbs in our diet. These days I think we should focus on balanced diet instead of only carbs and fried items. Balanced diet includes protein based diet. These days I focus on protein based food for my kids. I am pro South Indian food consumer but I watch out for a balanced diet. My another criteria is time , it should be time consuming. Looking forward for your smart tips 😉which would make our life easier.

    1. anithanarayanamurthy avatar

      The balance diet and the myth we have created around it is something I have touched upon in my next post. It would be great to replace the rice with healthy options like unpolished rice or brown rice, whole grains etc. And for the time consumption, I feel South Indian food is the fastest to cook. It takes hardly an hour to make curry, sambha/rasam, rice.So its kinda complete has carbs, veggies, spices and proteins. A wholesome meal on itself. . You can check on the portion sizes in the next post.